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Media Release

International Children’s Day for Refugee Children

Jakarta, 22 November 2014 – Jaringan Masyarakat Sipil Indonesia untuk Perlindungan Hak Pengungsi –SUAKA, mendesak pemerintah Republik Indonesia untuk segera melaksanakan rekomendasi Komite Hak Anak PBB untuk perlindungan anak dengan maksimal. Hal ini ditegaskan oleh SUAKA dalam rangka Memperingati Hak Anak Internasional yang jatuh pada tanggal 20 November, bertepatan dengan lahirnya Konvensi Hak Anak. Hari […]


Stop the Immigration Detention of Children

Stop the Immigration Detention of Children! Hentikan Detensi Imigrasi terhadap Anak-anak! Komite Hak-hak Anak PBB, Laporan 2012 pada Diskusi Umum Hak-hak Anak dalam konteks Migrasi Internasional: “Seorang anak tidak boleh dikriminalisasi atau dikenakan tindakan hukuman karena status migrasi mereka atau orang tua mereka. Negara harus segera dan sepenuhnya menghentikan penahanan anak-anak berdasarkan status imigrasi mereka.” […]

Media Release

Australian Policy Against Refugee Resettlement

Jakarta, 20 November 2014 — Suaka, the Indonesian Civil Society Network for Refugee Rights Protection, strongly criticized the anti-resettlement policies issued by the Australian Government targeted at refugees residing in Indonesia. “This policy is clearly contrary to the international obligations of Australia as a party to the 1951 Refugee Convention and increases the uncertainty of the […]

Media Release

Update on Refugees in Indonesia

As of 30 June 2014, a total of 10,116 individuals were registered by UNHCR in Indonesia, including 6,286 asylum seekers and 3,830 refugees. Of those, 7,910 were male and 2,206 were female. The total includes 2,507 children; 798 are unaccompanied minors and separated children. The main countries of origin are Afghanistan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, […]

Media Release

Funding for Regional Cooperation on Refugees

Jakarta, 20 May 2014 — With the Australian government announcing that it will provide Indonesia with AU$86.8 million to support stranded refugees and asylum seekers Suaka, the Indonesian Civil Society Network for Refugee Rights Protection, highlighted the importance of a rights-based approach to inter-governmental cooperation in the region. It is understood that financial aid will be given […]

Media Release

Indonesia Should Continue Leadership on Refugee Rights

Suaka – Indonesian Civil Society Network forRefugee Rights Protection c/o HRWG, Human Rights Working GroupJiwasraya Building Lobby FloorJl. R.P Soeroso No 41 Gondangdia, MentengJakarta Pusat 10350, Indonesia Suaka.Secretariat@gmail.com | suaka.or.id Jakarta, 14 May 2014 — With reports of more “turn backs” of boats under Australian border security operations, Suaka, the Indonesian Civil Society Network for Refugee Rights Protection, urges […]