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// Information for Refugees

Information about Service Provider/NGOs during COVID-19 Emergency

by Suaka Indonesia on 30/03/2020

Available in Farsi به زبان فارسی موجود است, click here to download

List of Service Provider/NGOs and their services during COVID-19

This list will be updated to reflect the current situation


SUAKA staff are working remotely. The building of the Jakarta Legal Aid Institute/Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation where SUAKA office located is closed until further notice.

For consultation with SUAKA, please contact through email legalaid@suaka.or.id

2. UNHCR Indonesia, CWS, CRS

Please note that, in light of the evolving situation related to the COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia, and taking into account guidance from local authorities, the UNHCR Office in Jakarta will implement a working arrangement which will temporarily impact our capacity to provide counseling and services in the office. Until further notice, UNHCR will not provide in-person services at the UNHCR office in Jakarta.

The usual channels for communicating with UNHCR and partners remain open:

In any kind of emergency please try to contact UNHCR, CWS, CRS first to ensure your treatment is covered by the service provider.

3. JRS Jakarta

  • Services (other than health emergency cases) are on put on hold until 30 April 2020 and might be extended based on the situation.
  • For further information, you can contact by phone or WA to 081332807441 / 08111905113 / 085643020319. For legal consultation, please send email to elsza@jrs.or.id

4. JRS Bogor

  • Services, other than health emergency cases, are on put on hold until 30 April 2020 and might be extended based on the situation.
  • For further information, you can contact by phone or WA to 081340277437, 081296739241, 085921559649

5. Dompet Dhuafa

  • School for Refugee (preparatory course for refugee children for public school enrolment) is being conducted online until further notice.
  • For healthcare-related, only accept referral through CWS.


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