There are several factors that result in refugees and asylum seekers being denied effective protection in Indonesia. These factors include lack of legal protection, long waiting periods for permanent resettlement, limited basic livelihood support (housing, healthcare, education, and work rights) and inhumane conditions in detention centres.
Despite the significant risks arising from travelling in people smugglers’ boats to Australia, the circumstances facing refugees and asylum seekers in Indonesia often lead people to make a dangerous decision.
Since 2011, government of Indonesia is in favor to develop Presidential Regulation on Handling Refugee and Asylum Seeker or Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) tentang Penanganan Orang Asing Pencari Suaka dan Pengungsi. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in early 2015, the Perpres will be attached with the Integrated Fixed Procedure, or Prosedur Tetap Terpadu, on Handling Refugee and Asylum Seeker. But, up until now, the Perpres is not yet adopted.