(Jakarta, 27 November 2023) SUAKA menyuarakan kekecewaan terhadap pernyataan Bapak Hikmahanto Juwana tentang pengungsi Rohingya yang disampaikan dalam sebuah wawancara dengan Metro TV pada 20 November 2023, terutama terkait penolakan Pengungsi Rohingya di Aceh.[1] Beberapa pernyataan yang disampaikan oleh Hikmahanto Juwana tidak sesuai dengan perspektif HAM dan kemanusiaan, khususnya dalam konteks penolakan terhadap pengungsi Rohingya. […]
SUAKA urges the Central and North Aceh Government to coordinate the handling of the 110 Rohingya refugees who landed in Muara Batu, Aceh on Tuesday (15/11/2022). These Rohingya refugees – consisting of 72 male, 32 female, and 6 refugee children – had arrived around 03.25 local time via sea route.
The Indonesian Government was urged by UN member countries in the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) session held in Geneva on Thursday, November 9, 2022 to provide human rights protection for refugees in Indonesia. Previously, SUAKA together with its network and the refugee communities had submitted a report on the situation of refugee rights in Indonesia. […]
On October 31st, SUAKA had conducted an online Public Discussion and Launching Session of the Refugee Legal Needs Survey in Indonesia. This survey was conducted to map the legal problems faced by refugees while in Indonesia and how refugees respond to or resolve the legal problems they face. Through the launch of this report, SUAKA […]
At the Sixth Bali Process Ministerial Conference (March 2016), Ministers confirmed the core objectives and priorities of the Bali Process through the endorsement of the Bali Process