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Rilis Media Pokja Identitas Hukum_Dampak yang Dialami oleh Kelompok Rentan dalam Pelayanan Adminduk dan Hak Memilih dalam Pemilu 2024

(Jakarta, 6 Februari 2024) Kelompok Kerja Masyarakat Sipil untuk Identitas Hukum (Pokja Identitas Hukum) memiliki perhatian serius pada upaya penguatan kependudukan dan pencatatan sipil khususnya untuk kelompok rentan. Pokja Identitas Hukum menyelenggarakan seminar berjudul “Peran Pelayanan Adminduk dan Data Kependudukan dalam Pemilu 2024”. Seminar ini dilaksanakan pada 6 Februari 2024 di Hotel Ashley, Gondangdia, Jakarta […]


Unlocking the Economic Potentials

Abstract: As of September 2019, Indonesia has been the unintentional home to approximately 13,657 refugees. Most of these individuals from Afghanistan and Somalia left their home countries in search of safety and to escape life-threatening circumstances with the intention of seeking asylum in elsewhere. However, geo-political circumstances have led to refugee communities forming in other […]


SUAKA Nominated for Namati Justice Prize

Jakarta, 7/7/2015 –SUAKA, the Indonesia Civil Society Network for Refugee Rights Protection – has been nominated for the Namati Justice Prize 2015. The Namati Justice Prize is an international prize celebrating the impact, sustainability and innovation in legal empowerment being made by grassroots organizations around the world. Its focuses on organizations working quietly to make […]