Protection at Sea – Indonesia: Saransika’s Story With the UNHCR hosting its annual High-Commissioner’s Dialogue on “Protection At Sea” over 10-11 December 2014, they have prepared stories from refugees and asylum seekers sharing their experiences about why they had to flee by boat. Saransika, a young Sri Lankan girl currently in Indonesia says: “What happened […]
Stop the Immigration Detention of Children! Hentikan Detensi Imigrasi terhadap Anak-anak! Komite Hak-hak Anak PBB, Laporan 2012 pada Diskusi Umum Hak-hak Anak dalam konteks Migrasi Internasional: “Seorang anak tidak boleh dikriminalisasi atau dikenakan tindakan hukuman karena status migrasi mereka atau orang tua mereka. Negara harus segera dan sepenuhnya menghentikan penahanan anak-anak berdasarkan status imigrasi mereka.” […]
As the country looks towards electing its next president, World Refugee Day brings an opportunity for Indonesia to reflect on the future of a significant foreign policy issue: the regional protection of refugees and asylum seekers and prevention of human trafficking. Suaka, the Indonesian Civil Society Network for Refugee Rights Protection, notes that for any […]
Suaka as written a letter to the editor of The Jakarta Post regarding an opinion article published on 13 March 2014 about asylum seekers. [Update: The letter was published on 22 March 2014] Dear Editor On behalf of Suaka, the Indonesian Civil Society Network for Refugee Rights Protection, I wish to correct some points made […]
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