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FAQs about refugees

Asylum seekers and refugees transiting through or living temporarily in Indonesia come from all over the world. Continuing persecution and escalating violence in countries of origin, as well as a limited number of countries offering a durable solution, has seen a steady increase in the number of asylum seekers and refugees in Indonesia. In May 2015, UNHCR reported that 13,138 people are currently registered asylum seekers and refugees in Indonesia. This is an increase of 4,000 people since September 2014 and does not include the influx of Rohingya refugees(approximately 2,000)  who arrived during May 2015. [1]See: http://www.unhcr.org/50001bda9.html

Over the past decade, Indonesia has become a key transit point for asylum seekers attempting to travel to Australia by boat, however, over the last few years this avenue has become closed by the Australian government, so the numbers in Indonesia will continue to increase.

Asylum seekers and refugees lack access to basic human rights such as education,  healthcare, right to work, and many also lack access to adequate standard of living i.e. food, water, housing. 35% stay in Indonesia’s 13 Immigration Detention Centers or Rudenim which are generally of a poor standard.[2]According to preliminary finding of Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia (Komnas HAM)’s research on detention which limitary published

There is no adequate domestic legal framework protecting asylum seekers and refugees, as Indonesia is non-signatory country of United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees 1951. There are limited protection and support services provided by UNHCR, International Organization on Migration and other international NGOs that operate in Indonesia.

Due to this state of affairs,  a national network on refugee and asylum seeker advocacy was established at the end of 2011; SUAKA -the Indonesian Civil Society Network for Refugee Protection.[3]See: https://suaka.or.id/


1 See: http://www.unhcr.org/50001bda9.html
2 According to preliminary finding of Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia (Komnas HAM)’s research on detention which limitary published
3 See: https://suaka.or.id/


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