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Since 2019, SUAKA has conducted law and human rights basic training for 38 paralegals in order to empower and improve the access to justice for the refugee community. These paralegals are community-based, meaning that they are from the refugee community and work for the interest of their community. After the training, refugee paralegals are expected to have better capacity and knowledge in order to provide legal aid (litigation and non-litigation) for the victim of human rights violations.

One of the most important things in providing legal aid is the documentation process, which is a process to document all relevant data and information in order to conduct evidence-based advocacy/problem solving. SUAKA deems the skill of documentation is one of the most needed skills to be attained by refugee paralegals to contribute in solving legal problems in their community. Therefore, SUAKA has developed a Refugee Paralegal Handbooks in 2021.

There are 2 Handbooks that have been developed by SUAKA. First, Handbook on Refugee Community-Based Paralegal and Code of Conduct. Second, Handbook on Documentation. These handbooks are made for refugee paralegals to understand their key roles in improving the condition of human rights for refugees in Indonesia. On a more particular note, the second Handbook provides information for refugee paralegals in conducting documentation while providing legal aid for their community.

The Handbooks are developed by law and refugee experts in Indonesia and published by SUAKA.

Download the handbooks by clicking the links below:

Refugee Community Paralegal Handbook 1 – Introduction & Ethics: Download Now↓

Refugee Community Paralegal Handbook 2 – Documentation: Download Now↓


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