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// Know Your Rights

A Handbook for Refugees and Asylum Seekers

by Suaka Indonesia on 10/12/2018

This handbook was initiated with the realization that rights are not readily accessible and being uphold for refugees and asylum seekers living in Indonesia. This result in precarious situation refugees and asylum seekers should face on daily basis.

Understanding the problem, SUAKA has been planning to develop a document that will help refugees and asylum seekers understand their rights and how to access it. Similar plans, fortunately, also emerge from fellow organizations who work to uphold refugees’ rights, Sandya Institute, UNHCR, and Jesuit Refugee Service. The organizations collaborated, giving their resources, time, and energy to engage in a series of discussions to understand what is relevant to ease the burden of refugees and asylum seekers living in Indonesia.

Upon our discussions, we agree that ten issues should be put forward. There are issues that we believe relevant but the limited time and resource pushed us to prioritize ten of them, with the determination to work on the rest as the document as our collaboration continues.

Legal reviews on current regulation were the starting point of our writing process, ensuring that the information is in line with Indonesia’s legal framework. We also consult the drafts with representatives from the government and the refugee community, an effort to confirm and elaborate the information we already had.

You can read the document partially as each chapter tries to address different issues. However, some chapter may intermingle as it is connected with each other. We will try to continuously update the information periodically, hoping that the document will be as resourceful as possible.

Lastly, we hope the book can help refugees and asylum seekers living in Indonesia to know their rights and how to access them. We realize that there is still plenty of homework to be done to ensure that refugees’ and asylum seekers’ rights are fulfilled. Further collaborations are still needed, not only with the organizations but also with the refugee communities and other stakeholders.


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